The Cynical Fishy

Someone I know told me I should make a blog. So here I am, I made one! My blog has no specific purpose or anything. I guess I'll just have fun with it.

Friday, February 03, 2006

snakes, italian food and spice island... a fully loaded girls week out

i love you, ive loved u all along, i miss you, been far away for far too long...... sorry bout that, the song was on radio and i couldnt help but sing it and think haaa *sigh*, hehe. anyways back to the point. my week has been pretty busy since sunday, been out a whole lot. Juju's sister was visiting so we went out with her. went to global village where me and bebe played with snakes (play isnt a good word, but u get the point). (thats my arm there in the pic:D )

later on that night we had dinner at spice island, good food, i ate lobster, pasta, and some thai stuff. next day we went out for dinner at an italian place in madinat jumeirah, again good food:D i had pasta, and for my main course i had grilled tuna and for dessert some kinda traditional italian xmas cake. at one point we had our cameras out taking pics of our food cuz it looked it so nice, loool. (dont worry our table was kinda secluded, so no one saw us)

the bill was quite nice :l hehe, i think me and friends wanna keep breaking our previous records for most expensive dinner. next comes thursday, me and bebe just went to the mall, we saw the movie "shop girl", didnt expect much from it, but i really like the movie, it was nice. but its one those movies i really like but dont exepct other ppl to feel the same way bout it. (so if u watch the movie and hate it, dont blame me, i said i liked it, not ull like it)
and not to forget my disapointment in men. well wednesday night i saw some stuff which got me disappointed in saudi men and then i remembered what one of my friends told me bout his friends cheating etc etc. i was thinking akh, no one decent. anways enough complaining.......
to end it off ill say a little joke i read off my friends phone last night. two m7ashisheen sitting around, one says to the other "ana bardaan min almukayif" the other one replies "ana a7mad min alriyadh"
i found the joke amusing :D


  • At 3/2/06 22:48, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "a fully loaded girls week out"
    included fishy, bebe, me, my sister and last but not least cookie =D
    conclusion: maha thinks cookie's a girl 8<
    cookie, fishy thinks ur a girl..
    beat her up so she can witness first hand what a strong and powerful cookie u can be 8<

    hehe =D

  • At 3/2/06 23:52, Blogger lil fishy said…

    i can kick cookies butt. you've seen me in action 8<
    yes, cookie is one of the girls 8< and anyways he was only there one day outta 5.
    cookies a hott girl

  • At 4/2/06 01:43, Blogger T said…

    got lost on the cookie thing, but it's great you had fun in yopur adventures.

  • At 5/2/06 16:28, Blogger Leilouta said…

    How are Saudi men? I am very have to tell me,ok?

  • At 5/2/06 16:32, Blogger lil fishy said…

    hmm, saudi men..... how to describe them.... hehe...
    well theres a wide range of personalities and all. but lets just say i wouldnt do too well with a typical saudi man :D then again i wouldnt do too well with any typical arab man :l

  • At 5/2/06 17:11, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    here is ur comment.


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