the belly dancing elevator and my 7maar
anyways, im done with finals. and im about to graduate inshallah. its all over and everythings changing. kinda weird. but im not gonna talk about that stuff or ill just complain :D so to avoid complaining ill just talk about other stuff.
i was just looking at the pics on my pc, u know look back at some of my memories from the past few years. well i found a pic of this elevator. it was taken on my birthday this year. anyways, me and bebes were in the main building, i guess going to someones office, maybe it was the lady for extra graduation tickets. anyways we found this elevator we ve never been in before. it was pretty and kash5a, all shiny. so bebe took a pic of it. i guess its the elevator that the chancellor and the sheikh (or anyone else whos special) use.
i also found a video of me and bebes belly dancing (actually it was me trying to belly dance). i must say its not horribly bad, i guess its ok, but i need more practise. need to find something to do with my arms :l hehe, i just dont know what to do with my arms while belly dancing :l juju was the cameraman. thanx juju, great job :D that was also the same day juju taught me some weird dance u do while sitting on the floor. hehe, it was amusing, its like dragging urself on the floor. bebes also danced to the burtaqala song :D stupid song
last pic, is the pic of my 7maar. cookie won this cute lil 7maar in some game. and when i saw it i was like 'oh my god, hes so cute', and then he gave it to me. oh how i love my 7maar. hes adorable. thank u for the 7maar cookie 8<
hmm, wut else to talk about. uploading images is taking too long :l bl3
i guess ive said everything worth saying.
bubye blog world
PS this post is dedicated to bebes cuz she kept asking me about posting etc.
At 24/5/06 20:15,
Anonymous said… pictures :|
And I have nothing to comment on 8<
See this is how it's going to be from now on..communication shall diminish and conversation topics shall evade us..'tis tragic i tell you my dear friend.. just tragic :'(
haaaa..i go watch 6ash ma 6ash with parents..episode is about lil saudi boys going to europe and being disgraceful 8<
At 24/5/06 21:38,
Taqo said…
You need to teach me how to belly dance.
I look like i've gone retarded when I try :s
Post a picture of the 7maar. Bidna nshoofuh.
At 25/5/06 00:08,
Edward Ott said…
HAHAHA belly dancing now that is funny.
At 26/5/06 00:46,
Stephen said…
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At 26/5/06 00:48,
Stephen said…
Congrats on graduation, now u are free to go out to the big bad world hehe
At 30/5/06 14:52,
Anonymous said…
awwwwwwww i am flattered ;$
i was supposed to be the first to comment but new post took a while to show and the loyal loyal juju the jaja is the official first commentor now
if anyone ever visits AUS, they should ask for the shaikh's elevator .. they have to take a tour in it .. it is lovely and clean and shiny .. and above all .. it was discovered on March 19, 2006 (fishy's birthday =D)
i go finish packing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa D=
At 1/6/06 09:46,
nonnah said…
Congratulations dear =)
yalla shedi 7ailech 7g el sh'3l al7een =)
& cute blog ; )
At 7/6/06 17:01,
ahmed said…
maha we cant see the pictures!!!! upload them somewhere.. wanna c the belly dancing (typical saudi) heheehe :P
At 10/6/06 17:47,
Rimyoleta said…
I waaaaaaant pictures please:S
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