The Cynical Fishy

Someone I know told me I should make a blog. So here I am, I made one! My blog has no specific purpose or anything. I guess I'll just have fun with it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

pointless post :D

hello blogging world :D ive missed u... its been a while since i put a post. i decided even if i dont have anything to talk about today ill still post something :D so bare with wutever crap i have to put for today :P
well first off, had a busy past 2 weeks with loads of work. not that the work is done or gone now, but its a bit less and im taking a break. university can be so stressful at times, exams, papers and all the reading required, akh:S
anyways ive got 3 countdowns for the next week or so. 1 countdown is for this thursday. the other 2 countdowns are for sunday. sorry cant tell u wut the countdown is for until its over :P....
inshallah ill have a post about thursday if all goes well, inshallah again. kinda paranoid it wont happen :l hehehe....
wut else? hmmm.... well i just finished picking the pictures i wanna put in the year book. it was harder picking pics than i thought it would be. so many pics to choose from.
dont think i have anything else to say for now. its kinda sad saying that, im the type who always has something to say, even if its pointless.
bubyes for now ppl


  • At 13/3/06 21:59, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh nooo maha, ur post isnt pointless. i think its very deep and well written mashallah. your blog is always fun to read :)

  • At 13/3/06 22:02, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you are so right 'smart person'. i agree with u totally. but dont forget maha is sexy too ;)
    shes just great

  • At 13/3/06 22:04, Blogger lil fishy said…

    hehe, im sorry people. i was just very bored and wanted to spice up the comments :$ so just incase u didnt notice i am 'smart person'and 'an even smater person'
    looooool :$

  • At 14/3/06 11:17, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ooooh i'm so amused right now loool
    I'm sitting with Maha is starbucks and replying to a post on her blog at the same time..funny lol

    And i'm not saying what they are :$

    unless you offer me $1,000,000 of course..
    time to go to class..b'bye

  • At 14/3/06 15:35, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maha u r very amusing ! smart and smarter !! :| u r sitting alone in ur room for way too long .. u r worrying me

    when university work gets so stressfull u call it "jam3a work is coming out from my ears" hehehe i just had to say that

    i know the 3 countdowns tooo
    and i will not give them away unless u give me 1 dollar =D

  • At 14/3/06 15:40, Blogger T said…

    what is the point of telling us that you can't tell us ? are you trying to add suspense into our lives ?

  • At 14/3/06 16:01, Blogger lil fishy said…

    juju, good price to sell my info for:D

    bebe, bad price :| very bad price:|

    talal, well im excited, so i had wanted to say something but then i realized i dont wanna say wut it is. so stating that there are countdowns is enough to release some of the xcitement inside :D

  • At 15/3/06 02:14, Blogger Leilouta said…

    Your posts are not pointless 3zayza:)

  • At 15/3/06 06:46, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I disagree..Fishy's post in very pointless.. this whole year has been pointless.. the last 4 years have been pointless and a waste of time.. in fact, her whole life is pointless..

    Fish.. =|
    Jump out the window..there's no point :^)

    hehehe..i'm a friend..i'm allowed to say stuff like this :$

    She knows i love her and if she actually jumps i'd probably jump after her in an attempt to talk some sense into her 8<

    what u gonna eat today fishy?

  • At 15/3/06 12:37, Blogger Lilly said…

    welcome back :D

  • At 15/3/06 14:58, Blogger lil fishy said…

    thank you leilouta, thank you lilly :D
    juju is just evil, i sometimes wonder why we re friends :P


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