the manless bum who graduated
Hey blog world.
Well I graduated last week. Some of u may have seen me graduate on tv (thank u juju). Graduating was interesting. But as excited as I thought id be a few months ago. I was feeling neutral and kinda down at times. In the past I just couldn’t wait to graduate. But as I got closer to graduating it didn’t seem as exciting anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I hate studying and I hate jam3a. but it’s the life ill miss. My life wasn’t that great but it kept me satisfied. I got used to living alone, got used to seeing a movie on the weekend. I got used to bebe and juju. They were my family in sharjah. Now im back with my blood family, back in a house I have to share with others, away from my friends.
This post is on the complaining side. Didn’t feel like posting anything but juju convinced me too. She said something like that since my blog is basically my diary, I have the right to complain on it. Im currently a bum :l Im just sitting at home, not quite sure wut to do with my life. Im gonna start looking for a job but that’s not really wut I want. Strange as it is id like to get married. I don’t want some fairy tale marriage. But at the same time I don’t wanna marry someone thatll make me give up so much that ill just lose myself. I’d like an ordinary husband. Id like a normal marriage where everynow and then me (husband) would think “this guy (maha) makes me happy and I love him (her) : )” I don’t want anything special and wow. That’s enough for me. Ill give u an example, maybe itll better explain wut I mean. In sharjah id hang out with bebes and juju. None of them have a Bentley or some beach house. Theyre just normal. We usually do the same routine things. Go to starbux, go to the mall, eat and see a movie. Nothing special, nothing really cool. To an outsider it might seem boring and dull. But im happy with that. I love being with them, even if just getting a donut from the student center at night. It’s a small and stupid act, but being with them makes it fun and worthwhile. If u understand my friendship example then ull understand wut I want in a marriage. So im not asking for much, but the fact that im different and I always will be, means I wont accept your typical/average Saudi or khaliji man.
Anyways enough of marriage thing for now. Lets see if theres anything more perky to talk about…. I guess not. Anyways, see u laters blog people.
PS cookie is my new role model. he watches tv and sits online all day long, and hes got a job. and thats what i wanna be when i grow up 8<>
At 9/6/06 22:53,
Anonymous said…
i'm sure there are saudis that would be what you want..but chances of you bumping into one are take permission from your mama (like me) to marry an american and she'll give you her blessing (like my mama) under a condition that you marry a non-"kalb" american..
see..told you you should come with me to states.. you just won't listen..i give up on you 8<
At 9/6/06 23:54,
lil fishy said…
juju the wanna be like angry maha,
i had a conversation with mama yesterday about how most saudi men will get me angry. she said its ok if i marry a non saudi. so i guess that includes american. i have mamas blessing
so now ill go with u to the states, u study and i hunt for men 8<
At 10/6/06 00:56,
Taqo said…
Ahlan my fellow confused one,
La titzawjeen american muslim..walla anhum freaks :s You have to trust me on this.
Thats the University life I'm dying for.
Gahar..I missed ur graduation! I remember watching the one 7ag last year, I think. T7mst 3leeha.
I wish you luck!
At 10/6/06 10:03,
nonnah said…
Oh honey, thats the best part of it! Living a simple life, without that extravaganza =) I didn't have a car when I was in college--used to hop on the bus. Heck,I survived without a cellphone for a whole year! What I'm trying to say is, yes all of us miss our college days, and it surely feels weird when you go back to visit as a nonstudent.
Hmm, about marriage. Wallah trust me there are good Saudi men--oki only few good men ;p Just the way u like'em crispy from outside, tender from inside hehe j/k. But ya..I say this from experience =)
Enshalla tetwafgeen fi e'7tyarch =)
At 10/6/06 12:50,
lil fishy said…
why didnt u watch my graduation *very angry face*, hehe
thanx for the luck, goodluck to u too:)
u just made the good saudi men sound like fried chicken :p mmm, fried chicken *drooling face* inshallah ill find my fried chicken saudi man someday
thank u thank u :$
At 10/6/06 16:35,
Anonymous said…
i am a role model, behold young confused minds,follow my lead and all shall be fine.
oi, lady i was talking to a frind of mine in RIYADH n he was telling me how his mom called this girl that he liks n tried 2 hook them up, it wasnt for marriage or y3ni thats strange to our arabic culture so do not stereotype all 5leejis to be in a certain way :P we''re all different in our own way and i'm sure here or there u will find that dude who makes you happY. otherwise, wait ten yrs then u have to cook us something other than freakin bamya! aint gonna live on that lady
At 10/6/06 16:47,
lil fishy said…
khalas im back in saudi already 8< whered u study? why didnt u get a graduation? :o
dont be philosophical, ppl arent different, theyre all the same, they all suck :p
and all ur gonna be eating is bamya, fasoolya and bazaila, so get used to it :|
At 10/6/06 19:29,
ghoweljlsfqwef said…
At 11/6/06 11:59,
Anonymous said…
"In the past I just couldn’t wait to graduate. But as I got closer to graduating it didn’t seem as exciting anymore." true true and very true .. i thought i was the only one :^)
i want our fun psycho weekends back ..just one ..
uff im getting myself depressed .. and maybe everyone else .. i better go finish doing nothing lool =D
At 11/6/06 13:32,
lil fishy said…
thanks :D
bebe the jobless bum,
dont worry, ur not the only one. we must have a reunion 8<
At 12/6/06 05:18,
ren_crow said…
Goddamnit I was supposed to graduate this year as well! I'm so behind... :(
Is it me or is everybody i know already married or getting married? I guess its one of those perks after the age of 21.
Well I know alot of saudis guys who are pretty kewl. Like...ahh.....lemme get back to u on that on:p
At 12/6/06 14:51,
lil fishy said…
so when ya graduating?
and if u do manage to remember any 'pretty kewl' saudi guys, hook me up!!! hehe
its ok, we ll throw u a graduation here in the blog world. just pick a date and we ll set it up.
and about drowning our miseries in a cup of coffee, thats great, yallah come over, we ll need alot of coffee:p
At 14/6/06 23:04,
ren_crow said…
I'll probably graduate after 2 years. Yea i know its crazy. Unfortunately I wasted a year trying to get into med school, then when i did get into uni, i spent 2 semesters doing Marketing. After that i changed my major to architecture. So all in all i wasted 2 years:(
But eh its alright i guess.
At 17/6/06 13:10,
wastedchix said…
ok so u'r back to the hell hole u call home LEAST u had a chance to experience the world ...ur friends will always b ur friends (unless they backstab u or find some one better than u ..JUST KIDDING) i'm sure they're awsome.
don't worry about it ..if u'r a trooper u could have an amazing LIFE ANYWHERE in the world ..take this from us.
u feel like u need comforting or advice on anything ...we've got ur back Girl (cuz we know how it is)
so contact us on our blog and will instantly help u out.. WHY? cuz we're girlz and we need to stick up 4 each other when no one here would listen or understand ..
laterz girl, and take it easy, it aint that bad
At 18/6/06 20:18,
Nouph said…
lolz. Cookie is me right ?? ;)
lol, girl, enjoy free time, you'll miss it, and about your dream guy, well dream on :P
At 20/6/06 17:54,
Rimyoleta said…
1/ mabroookee :D:D
2/ I want to be cookie kaman:D
At 25/6/06 17:50,
bored said…
i cant BELIEVE they gave you a degree ....what a crappy uiversity
At 3/7/06 09:56,
Lilly said…
mabrooke !
At 3/7/06 12:22,
lil fishy said…
i cant help but complain :D
foof and rimo,
if u want we can make a cookie fan club and ill tell cookie to be our leader :p he might like the idea, heheh
lets see u graduate :|
thanx, 3ugbalik if ur still studying.
At 3/7/06 12:35,
lil fishy said…
lilly again,
hehe, just saw ur profile, sorry apparentlty u already graduated :D
At 17/8/06 13:33,
Anonymous said…
mabrook 4 t5arajing ^_^ ..
umm I'm just kinda confused here , why wouldn't you want to marry a khaleeji guy ? What I mean is that khaleeji's are easier to get along with, as we have the same kinda tradition thingy.
O ya the starbux bit cracked me up .. LOL all the khalijees i know must go to that place hehe!
At 17/8/06 23:20,
lil fishy said…
thank u thank u :$ 3ugbalik inshallah
well if i was ur typical khaliji girl then a khaliji guy would be good for me. but i spent more than half my life outta saudi and i was raised differently. so if u put me with a typical khaliji guy we would end up scratching eachothers eyes out :D
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