fish sticks dont amuse ppl or meet their expectations
hey blog people
Today I saw an old friend of mine and we were talking and all. Shes like maha how can u live like this and do nothing bla bla bla. I found what she said kinda offensive. Cuz ya3ni aish da5alik with what I do with my life, wuts ur problem. I don’t think she meant to be rude but it got to me. U see I graduated in june and ive been pretty much doing nothing since then. And shes talking about maha why don’t u work. First of all I applied for jobs but so far nothing interesting has come along. Either way I decided I wanted a break. I want a few more months of nothing. Cuz khalas once I work ill be committed to my work I wont have any long vacations or anything. Either way, my point is, why do I have to explain myself to u. ive always hated that feeling of needing to explain. U know when ppl wanna know why ur doing or not doing something (basically cuz they disapprove, it’s their personal opinion, not like ur doing anything morally wrong). I cant meet everyones expectations and I wouldn’t want to.
Another example of something which annoys me, is like once one of my friends asked me why I don’t get manicures (she said it as if it’s the norm to do manicures, anyone who doesn’t get them is just weird :l). i don’t grow my nails, I don’t put nail polish, but I keep my nails clean and tidy, so wuts the problem?:l is it just cuz I don’t color them and grow them and shape them? The same thing with makeup. Ive got a couple of friends who would ask me why don’t wear makeup and they say I should. For heavens sake, im just not a makeup girl, I don’t go telling them not t o wear make up. 3aaaa3 8<
Ofcourse the things ive mentioned so far may seem small and sillyish but at times it gets really annoying and it just gets me stubborn. There was a point in my life where I had all kinds of goals which had nothing to do with what I really wanted but they were all about proving the world wrong. for example, I wanted to join the army to prove that I as a woman could be strong and get a high rank, add to that my 7ijab. So in the end id be proving that an arab muslim woman could do it. And I still feel like I wanna prove the world wrong sometimes but I figure that it ends up hurting me the most. I don’t want people dictating how I should be or how I shouldn’t be. Don’t think that im some kinda loud dirty rebel. Ya3ni im nothing extreme or disgusting, yet ppl don’t always accept me cuz im not exactly like them. Im no Barbie, and I don’t wanna be one.
Anyways, im hoping (inshallah) that I wont pay too much attention to annoying ppl and I wont waste my time or lose sight of the goals I really wanna achieve while trying to prove the world wrong. Just let me be world.
Bubyes blog people
Today I saw an old friend of mine and we were talking and all. Shes like maha how can u live like this and do nothing bla bla bla. I found what she said kinda offensive. Cuz ya3ni aish da5alik with what I do with my life, wuts ur problem. I don’t think she meant to be rude but it got to me. U see I graduated in june and ive been pretty much doing nothing since then. And shes talking about maha why don’t u work. First of all I applied for jobs but so far nothing interesting has come along. Either way I decided I wanted a break. I want a few more months of nothing. Cuz khalas once I work ill be committed to my work I wont have any long vacations or anything. Either way, my point is, why do I have to explain myself to u. ive always hated that feeling of needing to explain. U know when ppl wanna know why ur doing or not doing something (basically cuz they disapprove, it’s their personal opinion, not like ur doing anything morally wrong). I cant meet everyones expectations and I wouldn’t want to.
Another example of something which annoys me, is like once one of my friends asked me why I don’t get manicures (she said it as if it’s the norm to do manicures, anyone who doesn’t get them is just weird :l). i don’t grow my nails, I don’t put nail polish, but I keep my nails clean and tidy, so wuts the problem?:l is it just cuz I don’t color them and grow them and shape them? The same thing with makeup. Ive got a couple of friends who would ask me why don’t wear makeup and they say I should. For heavens sake, im just not a makeup girl, I don’t go telling them not t o wear make up. 3aaaa3 8<
Ofcourse the things ive mentioned so far may seem small and sillyish but at times it gets really annoying and it just gets me stubborn. There was a point in my life where I had all kinds of goals which had nothing to do with what I really wanted but they were all about proving the world wrong. for example, I wanted to join the army to prove that I as a woman could be strong and get a high rank, add to that my 7ijab. So in the end id be proving that an arab muslim woman could do it. And I still feel like I wanna prove the world wrong sometimes but I figure that it ends up hurting me the most. I don’t want people dictating how I should be or how I shouldn’t be. Don’t think that im some kinda loud dirty rebel. Ya3ni im nothing extreme or disgusting, yet ppl don’t always accept me cuz im not exactly like them. Im no Barbie, and I don’t wanna be one.
Anyways, im hoping (inshallah) that I wont pay too much attention to annoying ppl and I wont waste my time or lose sight of the goals I really wanna achieve while trying to prove the world wrong. Just let me be world.
Bubyes blog people
At 3/9/06 04:58,
Anonymous said…
lool u actually messaged me at 5 am to tell me u posted.. love you my priceless fish stick.. the only reason i'm replying at 5:30 am is that i just got up to study..
Now seriously, this is the reason i prefer hanging out alone now that u, bebe, and cookie graduated; I'd rather not deal with annoying people and their opinions & expectations. And honestly i think the entire world population minus not more than 10 people make me wanna smack them in the face (not slap, i don't believe in slapping..i'm nice hehe.) *sipping break..mmm good coffee*
Now how many times have i told you you're perfect fishy..why don't you listen to me? i think it's common to take some time off after graduating to clear ur mind and/or set ur goals straight, maybe not here in this part of the world but please refer to the title of two posts back.
And if nail polish was the norm, then god would've either made us with nail polish on or created the urge in ALL human beings to go get their nails done. I find nail polish pointless, useless, and a waste of time and energy. Tell girl you think nail polish is repulsive and it makes u want to vomit...scar her for life.. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! =D
At 3/9/06 09:48,
-OT- said…
It's only normal for humans to condemn actions and bahaviors that do not go inline with their beliefs... It's human nature, where people think their beliefs are the norm and everyone else's beliefs are wrong... In a way, it's just their way of blaming everyone else rather than personally accept the fact that their beliefs might be wrong...
Fishy, if someone doesn't like u or ur beliefs, they can simply block from their lives... You won't be missing out on anything... It's all good, just stick to what u believe in.. Oh an if u ever alter ur beliefs, u would most probably fail in achieving ur goals, simply cuz goals are based on current beliefs...
At 3/9/06 13:39,
lil fishy said…
goodmorning, heard u saw my berbic this morning 8-)
id like to give the world a good smack too. i think ill release my anger and irritation in the form of violence 8<
thank u for calling me perfect and thank u for not trying to change me 8<
u know wut sux ot? my actions or beliefs dont affect the other ppl, they just complain bas kitha. ya3ni i dont do anything which hurts anyone or insults anyone. ppl just seem to have need to try to change me. i dont think ppl should try to change others, accept them the way they are or just leave them, but dont try to change them.
u better not be going around complaining and telling ur friends they should get manicures :P
anyways, when my goals change its not that im living for other ppl, im not trying to make them happy, im actually trying to piss them off further so they can leave me alone :D so in the end they get annoyed with me and i lose sight of wut i really wanted :S
At 4/9/06 17:41,
ren_crow said…
Heh yor venting is actually kinda cute;)
Ure no "barbie"? Well good for you! I personally think we have too many barbies in this part of the world. Or maybe i should be calling them Fullahs!
Damn I should post something abt that someday hmmm...
At 4/9/06 21:59,
Anonymous said…
awalan i want cotton candy
thanyan .. i add my hand to yours and juju's in smacking the world
thalithan .. enjoy ur post graduation doing nothing days.. i totally agree that once u start working, u r trapped .. i think i am (sigh)
el mohim .. rabi3an .. i dont like fish sticks :P did you mention them in ur post ?!
At 4/9/06 22:34,
lil fishy said…
down with the barbies(fullas) hehe. u should write about them
wut cotton candy? do i look like a store to u, 3aa3.
and fish stix r good :|
At 5/9/06 15:32,
Bassem said…
juju meta7mesah lol
your resolution is the best way to go :)
i tend to do the same thing btw :S such as asking someone why aren't u working or putting nailpolish or whatever! i don't think anyone should be annoyed or even give a crap about my statements for they're my own and i don't feel offended when my remakrs are ignored!
alot of ppl do the same to me and i'm not the least annoyed ;) on the contrary i'm always amused of what ppl expect of me and sometimes their surprise at something they didn't expect of me ;)
At 7/9/06 10:26,
Nouph said…
it's hard to please people, and I kno you don't wanna.. Just don't give it that much thought.. This is nothing compared to things that might come later.
~I think you rock!! ;)
At 7/9/06 13:21,
lil fishy said…
if u tell me wut to do or ask me why im not doing anything then ill have to smack u :P hehehe. i generally dont mind suggestions but i cant stand it when ppl make it sound like i must do it.
than you foofa. u rock too *hug* but i still rock more than u :P
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