the story of a man who could make rice and the woman who loved him
well as u can tell this post is about a love story. hehe. and i am the woman in the title.
well today i was making rice to eat with my dinner and like usual it turned out not so great. first time i checked on it, it was undercooked and a little salty, so i added a bit of water. but then came dinner time and the rice wasnt dry yet, but i took it off the stove cuz it was time to go to bebe's room to eat.
anyways i have issues making plain white rice. i know it sounds easy to make but its not :l i rarely ever perfect it. i have issues with everything from undercooking to overcooking to over salting and under salting..... i can cook, i can bake cookies and cakes and yet i cant make good rice :l
im not much of a rice person anyways, i dont eat alot so i dont make it often but still, making rice annoys me :(
so ive made a decision. i wanna marry a guy who can make good rice :D ill accept proposals from any guy who could. nothing matters anymore. not his age, height, weight, looks, financial status or anything as long as he can make rice. if he can make good rice he shall win my heart and ill love him forever and itll be the greatest love story ever. people will tell our story for centuries to come. itll amaze ppl and make them cry. and every woman will want a man who could make rice. men will start to compete against eachother with their rice making abilities.
and the story of me and my rice making man will be called "the man who could make rice and the woman who loved him"
hehehe. this story amuses me :D
hope my story inspires people out their to search for what they really want in their significant others :P
well today i was making rice to eat with my dinner and like usual it turned out not so great. first time i checked on it, it was undercooked and a little salty, so i added a bit of water. but then came dinner time and the rice wasnt dry yet, but i took it off the stove cuz it was time to go to bebe's room to eat.
anyways i have issues making plain white rice. i know it sounds easy to make but its not :l i rarely ever perfect it. i have issues with everything from undercooking to overcooking to over salting and under salting..... i can cook, i can bake cookies and cakes and yet i cant make good rice :l
im not much of a rice person anyways, i dont eat alot so i dont make it often but still, making rice annoys me :(
so ive made a decision. i wanna marry a guy who can make good rice :D ill accept proposals from any guy who could. nothing matters anymore. not his age, height, weight, looks, financial status or anything as long as he can make rice. if he can make good rice he shall win my heart and ill love him forever and itll be the greatest love story ever. people will tell our story for centuries to come. itll amaze ppl and make them cry. and every woman will want a man who could make rice. men will start to compete against eachother with their rice making abilities.
and the story of me and my rice making man will be called "the man who could make rice and the woman who loved him"
hehehe. this story amuses me :D
hope my story inspires people out their to search for what they really want in their significant others :P
At 12/2/06 21:27,
Anonymous said…
what a poor attempt at humoring the audience fish :|
u suck 8<
no u suck 8<
no 8<
the rice issue..i think it's the stoves..they're evil! at home rice comes out perfect when i use the other kind..but with the electric ones here it's annoying and it comes out right less than 50% of the time..
we should protest >= (
rice crackers anyone?
At 12/2/06 22:00,
T said…
rice is a huge source of carbs, rice bad, stay away from rice!
At 12/2/06 22:20,
Anonymous said…
im no help .. i have no advice .. i dont know how to make rice .. i tried once using the cook itself rice cooker .. hehehe .. i dont know if what i called it makes sense .. el mohim the rice comes out perfect .. u should try one of those
about ur love story .. how romantic .. it made me cry =|
At 12/2/06 22:23,
lil fishy said…
u see just for be so anti-rice ull never be able to have a huge love story written bout. ur loss :P hehehe
At 13/2/06 02:38,
bored said…
whats up with the rice .....
At 13/2/06 09:59,
lil fishy said…
something u wouldnt understand. rice has great effects, it can make u love forever or break u apart. hehe
At 13/2/06 14:07,
bored said…
r you talking about your boobs cause if you are ill tell you now you dont have tht great of rice cakes
At 13/2/06 14:21,
lil fishy said…
kareem, completely off target u lil perv :|
i dont know why ur thinking of rice as boobs :|
At 16/2/06 14:34,
Rimyoleta said…
or you can marry a guy who does not eat Rise :P..hehe
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