lil fishy seeking to be caught by handsome.......
female fishy:
165 cm
medium build
dark brown eyes
moderately religious
open minded
extremely sexy and smart (mashallah, spit on me ppl)
size 8.5 US shoe size
likes scrunchies
easily amused, usually amused by herself
easily dissatified, always by other ppl or things
does not like mul7aqiya in dubai
has adorable friends who amuse her
looks angry or depressed when not communicating with ppl
likes planning alot :D (oh its 930, time to blow my nose)
sometimes drools on herself (i find it difficult to control my saliva flow sometimes, looool)
is seeking:
a male
between 175 and 188 cm tall
medium build, im not into petite men, i dont want someone i can sit on and break :l
does not wear tring : l
knows how to dress decently
clean and knows how to clean
knows how to cook (wouldnt mind a chef *drooly face* but he atleast has to know how to cook a few things)
must speak fluent english and arabic. i dont like english spoken with an arabic accent it somewhat annoys me
moderately religious
open minded: that does not mean he drinks and parties :l if u call that open minded then u need help
does not listen to crappy music. im sorry but i cant stand r&b and rap and that kinda stuff
must not like 5o cent
not hairy, on the amla6 side ( i dont mean filipino amla6 :l i mean amla6 relative to arabs)
must not be spoiled and live off his parents
aged 22 to 25 ( we can make exceptions for men who meet all requirements except for age, but not above 32. i had to put an age limit cuz i know old men find me attarctive :P)
must not wear bling bling : l
must have good sense of humor. we must amuse eachother
must have eye brows, not 0, not 1, and not more than 2
must not pluck any part of eyebrows
must like baked goods (liking the stuff i bake is enuf)
must not be a nerd
must not be in the cool group (cuz im not used to cool ppl, hehe)
must not wear pink or yellow
must wear socks with shoes (i dont know how ppl can wear shoes with no sox, dont their feet and shoes stink :l anyways i dont like the way it looks)
must not like choosing stupid chat names which show his sensitivity (eg:
al3ashig alwalhan, al7assas)
must not be overly poetic (im poetic enough eg: "asabi3ahoo kal bala7, wa ibtisamatahoo mithil al hilal fee nusf ilshahr.....)
must not be overly jealous.... i shall keep my guy friends :l..... and also must not have any urge to control me
must let me cry at wutever movie i want, even if its fantastic four
must understand my independence and my amusement by stupid simple things
must accept it when i just break down laughing and it continues for over 10 mins just from my mere ability to amuse myself
must not expect me to giggle and go all shy in his presence, or to molest him in public (eg: like the gross starbux couple :l)
if interested please contact me for an application form. once the application form is received we will review it and if we approve of your credentials we will invite u for a preliminary interview. we will contact u within a period of 3 to 4 weeks to inform u about the status of ur application. if ur last name happens to be Berbic and ur interested in applying (which im sure u are :$) u will be exempted from filling an application form and the preliminary interview and u will automatically move to the final stages of the interviewing process.
costs/payment for catching fishy is negotiable.
have a nice day
if u like this post u can thank juju, if u dont, u can complain to her. like usual she motivated me *shy face*
goodbye blog ppl
165 cm
medium build
dark brown eyes
moderately religious
open minded
extremely sexy and smart (mashallah, spit on me ppl)
size 8.5 US shoe size
likes scrunchies
easily amused, usually amused by herself
easily dissatified, always by other ppl or things
does not like mul7aqiya in dubai
has adorable friends who amuse her
looks angry or depressed when not communicating with ppl
likes planning alot :D (oh its 930, time to blow my nose)
sometimes drools on herself (i find it difficult to control my saliva flow sometimes, looool)
is seeking:
a male
between 175 and 188 cm tall
medium build, im not into petite men, i dont want someone i can sit on and break :l
does not wear tring : l
knows how to dress decently
clean and knows how to clean
knows how to cook (wouldnt mind a chef *drooly face* but he atleast has to know how to cook a few things)
must speak fluent english and arabic. i dont like english spoken with an arabic accent it somewhat annoys me
moderately religious
open minded: that does not mean he drinks and parties :l if u call that open minded then u need help
does not listen to crappy music. im sorry but i cant stand r&b and rap and that kinda stuff
must not like 5o cent
not hairy, on the amla6 side ( i dont mean filipino amla6 :l i mean amla6 relative to arabs)
must not be spoiled and live off his parents
aged 22 to 25 ( we can make exceptions for men who meet all requirements except for age, but not above 32. i had to put an age limit cuz i know old men find me attarctive :P)
must not wear bling bling : l
must have good sense of humor. we must amuse eachother
must have eye brows, not 0, not 1, and not more than 2
must not pluck any part of eyebrows
must like baked goods (liking the stuff i bake is enuf)
must not be a nerd
must not be in the cool group (cuz im not used to cool ppl, hehe)
must not wear pink or yellow
must wear socks with shoes (i dont know how ppl can wear shoes with no sox, dont their feet and shoes stink :l anyways i dont like the way it looks)
must not like choosing stupid chat names which show his sensitivity (eg:
al3ashig alwalhan, al7assas)
must not be overly poetic (im poetic enough eg: "asabi3ahoo kal bala7, wa ibtisamatahoo mithil al hilal fee nusf ilshahr.....)
must not be overly jealous.... i shall keep my guy friends :l..... and also must not have any urge to control me
must let me cry at wutever movie i want, even if its fantastic four
must understand my independence and my amusement by stupid simple things
must accept it when i just break down laughing and it continues for over 10 mins just from my mere ability to amuse myself
must not expect me to giggle and go all shy in his presence, or to molest him in public (eg: like the gross starbux couple :l)
if interested please contact me for an application form. once the application form is received we will review it and if we approve of your credentials we will invite u for a preliminary interview. we will contact u within a period of 3 to 4 weeks to inform u about the status of ur application. if ur last name happens to be Berbic and ur interested in applying (which im sure u are :$) u will be exempted from filling an application form and the preliminary interview and u will automatically move to the final stages of the interviewing process.
costs/payment for catching fishy is negotiable.
have a nice day
if u like this post u can thank juju, if u dont, u can complain to her. like usual she motivated me *shy face*
goodbye blog ppl
At 7/10/06 04:06,
Anonymous said…
looool i love post.. so many things to comment on.. don't know where to begin!!!
Nonethelss, i must finish working on the gimp & fajr athan. I shall comment properly later inshallah :^)
p.s. if you are in fact a nerd (or more preferebly a geek), you may request an application from the jaja...
At 7/10/06 04:16,
lil fishy said…
im glad it amused u :D
u continue working on ur pimp 8< and if u want u can write an ad and ill publish it on my blog for u
At 7/10/06 12:39,
-OT- said…
pimp?? Who's working on a pimp? lol
At 7/10/06 14:48,
Anonymous said…
What is tring?
At 7/10/06 15:00,
lil fishy said…
amjads working on a pimp
u dont know tring :O ?
tring is short for training suit. u know those outfits a bunch of saudi men wear around the house and sometimes wander around the streets in them.
for more info please contact juju.
At 7/10/06 16:00,
khaled said…
liked this post.
You wrote two lines about yourself and about 100 the one you are seeking :|
At 7/10/06 16:34,
-OT- said…
Yeah like the Crazy Wear striped Pants :P hehe
At 7/10/06 16:40,
lil fishy said…
thank u thank u :$
u sound interested, would u like an application form? hehe
tring is evil, it shouldnt be worn :(
At 7/10/06 17:33,
Nouph said…
At 7/10/06 17:56,
Anonymous said…
wooooo..proper commenting time =D
I'm taking a break from working on my "pimp" 8<
1. 5atof!! 5omsa wo 5maisa...5atof!! rabana ye7miki min 3ain al7asood..5ATOFFFFFF! tin3ami 3ain illi ma ye9alli 3la alnabi (lool..spitting on fish is my part-time job :$)
2. "has adorable friends who amuse her".. me? ='>
3. it's 9:30.. lool no one will ever get this.. *special moment*
4. fish also accepts men who wear really tight jeans that perfectly outline their butt crack (remember mustafa?) =|
5. I am sa3oodi 3arabian..lool
6. Alternative metal, alternative rock, and hard rock RULE!
7. I wonder who's 32.. 8-)
8. no bling bling..except his wedding ring..if he's not wearing that piece of bling bling, he's going to get hell!! 3aa3! >= (
9.lool @ # of eyebrows
10. Elaboration on baked goods: mostly sweet
11. Like i said before..i'll take all you nerds out there..
12. if you want to hear fishy's entire poem..please contact me
13. Fishy cried in fantastic 4.. how many ppl in the world can say they cried in fantastic 4? =|
'nough said..
At 7/10/06 18:10,
lil fishy said…
wooo, long comment, mashallah 8<
1)no one spits better than u juju
3)hehe, ur the only person who knows it
4) loooool, i never liked his pants. dont listen to juju, i dont like men who wear tight anythin :|
7)whos 32?:o i dont know anyone whos 32 :|
11) all nerds please move to the line on the left. thats the catch a jaja line
12) juju is one of my official publisher, cookie is the other one. if u receive my poetry from anyone else then it fake and not the original work of art
13) hey hey, if ididnt cry in fantastic 4 we wouldnt have this amusing moment to talk about :|
At 8/10/06 03:00,
khaled said…
definitely interested,
I pretty much fit the profile as well :|
At 8/10/06 06:25,
Stephen said…
Very formal application process hehe
At 8/10/06 12:10,
ahmed said…
maha u didnt pass me the application form :<
i hate tring, i swear :<..would u take me? :$
At 8/10/06 15:08,
lil fishy said…
here u go *hands him an application form* goodluck :P
its gotta be formal, im running this like a corporation :D its called fishyco
u can have an aplication form too *hands ahmed a form*
woohoo, u hating tring is wonderful :D
At 8/10/06 15:37,
Lilly said…
hehehe so funny! God be with you so you find your next half :)
At 8/10/06 16:23,
Anonymous said…
The sad thing is.. I don't think anyone thinks you're serious..
People, those points seriously are what she's looking for. Me and Maha were having a discussion and I was telling her I don't think she'll ever find a suitable match the old fashioned way. And at the same time, it isn't likely that she'll run into a guy she approves of in Saudi, let alone a guy that returns her interest. The kind of guy she wants is rare unfortunately.
So, I suggested she 'advertise' herself. Like those magazines where people post about themselves and hope to find someone interested. Though these kinds of ads aren't looked kindly upon, their idea is definitely logical.
Even though maha wrote the post in a humorous way, the underlying idea is a serious one. Just wanted to clarify.
At 8/10/06 16:44,
lil fishy said…
thank u... if ur single u should post an ad too :P hehe
thank u for explaining to the ppl that im serious 8< the man i want is an endangered species :( *sigh*
At 8/10/06 19:29,
ren_crow said…
Wow thats a long list of requirements. Should he also be compatible with Windows XP or higher?
Looking at your list I can say I'm definitely out.
At 9/10/06 22:31,
lil fishy said…
my list is realistic, so it doesnt matter if its long :P
it would be a plus if the guy is compatible with windows XP.. hehe
looool, i never said i thought his tight jeans were sexy. i never approved of the jeans. but i fell in love with him at the airport, so by the time cookie pointed out his tight jeans i was already hooked :| hehehe
At 12/10/06 18:45,
3zayez said…
I pass points 1 and 2 (male, 185). That's it. DAMN! Always so close.
At 12/10/06 23:55,
lil fishy said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 12/10/06 23:58,
lil fishy said…
3zayez its ok, u cann still apply *whispers: im a bit desperate, so meeting 2 of the points may be good enuf for me* hehehe
At 13/10/06 04:28,
3zayez said…
fishy since you've been honest with me I guess I have no choice but to be honest with you. *whispers: I only meet one of the two points. No, no, 185 is my real height...*
Can I still apply? :D
At 13/10/06 14:52,
lil fishy said…
pulls 3zayez to the side*whispers: so ur not a male? :O*
At 14/10/06 02:32,
ren_crow said…
what about e-males?:p
At 14/10/06 04:05,
Anonymous said…
e-males received over which port? :$
At 14/10/06 15:16,
lil fishy said…
i have no idea wut juju and ren r talking about :|
he must be humanly male 8<
and cheasy joke ren, loool
and juju, i have no idea wut u mean:|
At 14/10/06 17:03,
3zayez said…
Fishy! I went to your office to hand in my application and they automatically rejected me. I demand a fair review of my application! Wearing a pink shirt, yellow pants, and blue sneakers is my personal choice and should not affect any decisions of the application review commitee. I WILL SUE! LOOOL
At 14/10/06 19:08,
lil fishy said…
sorry 3zayez but i cant accept someone who wears pink and yellow and at the same time kaman :O thats just a crime:| u can keep the blue sneakers on (i like blue:$)
if u would like to come by to hand in ur application again then we will gladly accept it as long as ur dressed nicely :D
At 14/10/06 20:15,
Anonymous said…
i hear e-males from port 25 are very popular.. lots of women want to get involved with them..
personally, not into common things. I want an e-male from some other port, like port 22. Heard they're secure ='>
looooooooooooool oh this is so funny
At 14/10/06 23:11,
lil fishy said…
juju the IT chicken,
im glad ur amusing urself, but as an economist i dont get it 8< but if u want a e male from port 22, i wish u the best of luck. i go get myself a guy from the forbes richest list :D what was my guys name sergie? :D
At 15/10/06 11:22,
Anonymous said…
i'll steal him..i'll lure him over to my side with a port 22 discussion and he'll be hooked..
sergey and larry are mine fish!
Go look for some billionare not in IT >= (
At 15/10/06 20:06,
Mystified Chick said…
"open minded: that does not mean he drinks and parties :l if u call that open minded then u need help"
Amen sister
At 15/10/06 23:18,
lil fishy said…
juju the theiving it jaja
back off juju sergie is mine :| u can have larry :| but stay away from my man :( mine, mine, hes mine
mystified chick,
*hug* im glad some ppl actually agree with me
At 19/10/06 08:12,
Anonymous said…
LoooooooooooooL .. preety
I always knew i'm the perfect guy .. i fit in all of the requirements .. except that i'm not a guy hehehehehe
I am at work .. sitting at my cubical .. at the far end of the office area .. reading ur blog .. giggling alone at the screen and trying to hold it in .. very amusing post oo <--- amused faced
this is blog post #37 .. probably the last (3aks juju lol) .. khitamoha misk .. yimkin ur sick from comments here .. but i had to =D
At 19/10/06 08:13,
Anonymous said…
oops i meant comment #37
At 19/10/06 13:38,
Anonymous said…
saw berbic yesterday 3la alm'3rib in starbucks.. he was wearing a pink shirt with yellow pants..lool
well not really yellow pants, beige is more like it. But the pink shirt still disqualifies him hehehe
*5etamoho misk*
At 19/10/06 15:49,
3zayez said…
Come on. You were just gonna leave it at 39? Nice, even 40 is the way to go. 5alaa9 3aad leave it at 40. Nobody comment after me or we're gonna take it up to 50.
At 20/10/06 16:24,
Anonymous said…
la2 la2 i must be the last to comment =D
At 29/10/06 08:33,
fire alarm said…
I dont fit most ur list... if ur ever more flexible ill be back :P
At 30/10/06 23:04,
lil fishy said…
u might as well apply now, im pretty sure none of the applicants meet my requirements :P u never know u might turn out to be the best :| hehe
well the manners and morals definitely matter,i guess they would go under the 2 points i listed about open minded and religious.
and im glad u enjoyed reading, thank u.
and welcome to my blog, come again:D
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